1-spot realtime kinetics

This notebook coordinates the execution of the realtime-kinetics analysis of single-spot μs-ALEX measurements of RNAP open-complex to run-off (bubbble-bubble labeling). A single template notebook is executed many times, one for each measurement.


The module nbrun.py needs to be in the current folder:

In [1]:
from nbrun import run_notebook

Execute notebooks

In [2]:
nb_name = '1-spot bubble-bubble kinetics - Template'
out_path = 'out_notebooks'
windows = (30, 180)

In [3]:
for meas_id in (0, 1, 2):
    nb_kwargs = {'measurement_id': meas_id, 'windows': windows}
    run_notebook(nb_name, nb_suffix='-out_%d' % meas_id, out_path=out_path,

In [ ]: